Validation of TITANIUM Tools: The Field Labs
Tampere (15 March 2019)
On Thursday 24th of January 2019, the first round of Field Labs in the TITANIUM project started with a kick-off day. The day was organised simultaneously at four locations: Wiesbaden, Germany; Vienna, Austria; Tampere, Finland; and Madrid, Spain. About 60 participants from various Law Enforcement Agencies from around Europe attended. The Officers had various levels of knowledge and were curious to test the developed tools. The TITANIUM partners who developed the tools demonstrated how they can be utilised in investigation work involving virtual currencies and/or darknet. During the full day, the Officers had time to test the functionalities of the tools and to ask the developers questions in terms of use and functionalities of the tools.
In the coming months the Law Enforcement Officers have the possibility to test the tools at their premises as needed in concrete cases. The first round of Field Labs lasts until the end of March. Afterwards feedback will be collected and the results of the first test run assessed. The feedback of the test persons helps defining essential user requirements and to continue the target-oriented development.
A second round of Field Labs has been planned for autumn 2019, where an expanded set of tools will be tested and validated by Law Enforcement Officers. The tools developed by TITANIUM have different functionalities, which can be applied according to the needs of specific cases and national legal frameworks. With this micro-service approach, which is validated through the Field Labs, the TITANIUM consortium strives to create a tool-suite offering additional support to all Law Enforcement Agencies involved.